Buy Google Ads accounts for any purpose. Your success starts with advertising, and we offer high-quality Google Ads accounts at affordable prices. With express access and a simple purchasing process, you can start your advertising campaign today. No matter what type of business you have, we have an account that's right for you. Good luck promoting your brand with Google Ads!
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10 pc.
8.87 $
3 pc.

USD | Manually Created Google Ads account | Belgium | Manually farmed | Age from a week

Аккаунты созданы с чистого листа. Все учетные записи Google Ads зарегистрированы без применения SMS, что обеспечивает доверие уже на этапе инициализации. В ходе регистрации и последующего сбора данных этих аккаунтов мы использовали наши личные мобильные прокси из Бельгии. В данном аккаунте вам потребуется привязать свою карту и оплатить рекламные услуги. Все подготовлено к запуску (реклама еще не начата).

Вот некоторые основные этапы нашего процесса сбора данных:

  • Просмотр видео на YouTube включает поиск по ключевым словам, прокрутку, лайк или дизлайк, а также просмотр видео. Активность осуществляется каждый день.
  • Активное использование поисковой системы, поиск по ключевым словам, переходы на сайты, полная имитация активности реального пользователя.
  • Переходы и активное взаимодействие на сайтах с высокой глубиной просмотра (включая блоги, интернет-магазины, сервисы и т.д.) с Google Analytics.
  • Регистрация и активное участие в социальных сетях и других социальных сервисах, включая (но не ограничиваясь): Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Academia, Slack, Medium, AliExpress, StudyPool, Yahoo, Booking, Notino, Dropbox, W3Schools, WordPress и т.д.
  • Серфинг и подписка на известные сайты по разработке, маркетингу, настройке рекламных кампаний и т.д.

Accounts are established from scratch. All Google Ads accounts are registered without resorting to SMS, ensuring trust right from the inception stage. During the registration and subsequent data gathering of these accounts, we utilized our personal mobile proxies from Belgium. In this account, you will be required to link your card and pay for advertising services. Everything is primed for launch (the advertisement is not yet initiated).

Here are some pivotal stages of our data gathering process:

  • Viewing videos on YouTube includes keyword search, scrolling, assigning "like", "dislike" ratings, as well as video viewing. Activity persists daily.
  • Intensive use of the search engine, keyword search, site transitions, complete simulation of a real user's activity.
  • Transitions and active interaction on websites with high view depth (including blogs, online stores, services etc.) with Google Analytics.
  • Registration and active participation in social networks and other social services, inclusive but not limited to: Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Academia, Slack, Medium, AliExpress, StudyPool, Yahoo, Booking, Notino, Dropbox, W3Schools, WordPress etc.
  • Surfing and subscribing to prominent sites about development, marketing, setting up advertising campaigns etc.




Country of registration: Belgium

Registration method: Web version. Manual registration.

Proxy at registration: LTE Mobiles, Residential

TCP/IP fingerprints at registration: Windows

Login recommendations

  • Login to the system by stipulating a backup email. There's no requirement for code reception. Access to the backup mail isn't provided.
  • Login to the account should be executed using an antidetect browser and a proxy that aligns with the geolocation of the account.
  • Immediate operation post login is inadvisable as it may lead to account suspension.
  • The accounts should be authenticated in the browser.
  • Only top-tier residential or mobile private proxies from the geolocation of the account should be employed.
  • Post login, let the account "rest" for 4-6 hours.
  • To enhance the trust level of the account, initiate a few search queries on Google and YouTube.
  • Pay a visit to several renowned online stores and product pages.
  • Create ad campaigns with modest budgets. Endeavor to "warm up" the account prior to launching primary advertising.

Detailed account guidelines can be found in the account file at the link

⚠️ IMPORTANT! Ignoring these guidelines may cause issues with the account! In such cases, replacement is not offered!

Refund policy

Circumstances for replacement:

  • If there are issues concerning access.
  • If the account is already suspended upon login.

No replacement will be offered if:

  • The account was suspended post any actions within it, such as card linking, ad launching etc.
  • The account was suspended due to inactivity on the subsequent day (Warranty until end of day). In this case, complaints are not acknowledged.
  • If the account necessitates linking a personal number for continuation of work or enabling 2FA. It's recommended to link a number, it's considered standard procedure.